7 februari 2025

Collecting reply cards can be very interesting, especially when the card is sent back with an extra service. Another nice aspect is the possibility to read about the reason that the card is sent. In this case the prices of flowers. “Rote Deutsche Edelnelken und Rote Rosen”, red carnations and red roses. Prices 30 pfennig, respectively 20 pfennig per unit.

Hamburg, august 13, 1936. Dutch reply card of 7½ cents, the rate for an international postcard, uprated in Hamburg with 5 pfennig for transport with “Strassenbahn”, tram. Destination Soest in the Netherlands.

Scan of the backside

In Europe were a few towns with a possibility for postal transport by tram. Another town is Brussels.


Adam van der Linden

Adam van der Linden

I am a collector of WOII, type Veth, Netherlands due, Postal Identity Cards International,

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