‘Oranje boven’
Sometimes you will find nice, attractive items because of a (correct) combination not often used.
The International Website for People Interested in Netherlands+Philately!
Sometimes you will find nice, attractive items because of a (correct) combination not often used.
Today, the minimum size of a letter or card which PostNL will accept is 140 × 90 mm. However, in 1948 Anneke Dronkers announced that she was married in Pembroke, England using a much smaller envelope.
The Netherlands have had 6 “tenguilderstamps” during their stamp history, the first in 1899, the last one in 1970. This “tenguilderstamp” was issued in 1946 and have had the shortest duration, only 3 years. Sold numbers: 291.600 pieces. The small stamps were issued twice, in …
The Queen Wilhelmina type Veth series from 1924-1926 may justifiably be called one of the most beautiful and interesting designs. In the first place the beautiful picture on the stamps, and second in the long term validity (until March 31st, 1944) and thirdly the rates- …